Sushi Tei Group
Loyalty Program

As a member, you will enjoy exclusive benefits and privileges through our reward points system. The Sushi Tei Group Loyalty Program includes its perks to all Sushi Tei, Sushi Kiosk, Sushi Kyuden, Tom Sushi, Hokkaido-Ya, Yoka Yoka, Sushi Tei Cafe, and First Filled outlets across Indonesia. Earn points with every visit and unlock a world of special rewards. Join now and let us show you how much we value your loyalty.

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Collect these benefits if you join our membership program


Updated Information

Be the first to know about Sushi Tei Group’s latest promotions through exclusive email updates.


Membership Points

Earn and enjoy benefits with each purchase.


Birthday Bonus

Celebrate your birthday with a special bonus of 20% discount birthday valid for 3 days from your birthday date.


Exclusive Privilege

Enjoy exclusive privileges during select promotion periods.


Free Gifts

Receive a free gift during certain promotional events.


No Expired Date

Benefit from a loyalty card with no expiration date, along with many other exciting perks.

Sushi Tei Group Mobile App

Sushi Tei Group mobile app is your gateway to a delightful culinary experience. It offers a seamless and practical method to browse our menu and place orders at the click of a button. Stay in the loop with real-time updates on promotions, manage your loyalty points, and receive exclusive offers tailored just for you. Elevate your dining experience with the Sushi Tei Group mobile app, designed to accompany our commitment to culinary excellence and enhance your journey with us. Download the app today and go on a digital experience that delivers the taste of Japan right to your device.

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